A Jester's Crown is SR328

A Jester's Crown is SR328
Hand-made hat with cornered brim, from wool and beaver felt, reindeer skin band, silk organza lining, shaped on our unique carved block. In a Limited Edition of 10 per colour
Cut with a Jcut 1200 Lazer Engraver and a Lightning Machine Company Swift 928.
Sewn on a Juki DDL 5550-6, and by Hand-held Needle.
The wool and beaver felt is made in the United Kingdom, whereas the silk organza is from a japanese mill. The reindeer was shot by a hunter in the northern highlands of Iceland. There are holes in this skin, and it was made by a bullet - the bullet that ended the life of this animal for meat, game, pleasure and leather. The Icelandic Reindeer, is chromium dyed in
the west of Iceland.
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