Glass Slipper is SR471

Glass Slipper is SR471
Glass blown slippers, made with the breath of Sigrún Ólöf Einarsdóttir and mounted to heat formed PMMA for the clear path ahead. The glass rods are mounted to a laser cut and thermo-formed PMMA sole.
This is a limited edition of two pairs. You are holding one, we are holding the other.
I could be that man one made of glass just like the other my life is sparse and I could be that man that man of class transparent and still an ideal to surpass fragile and hard, shining, miscast ahead of some others, but inside, still last
Blown in the depths of the hottest pit.
Cut with a Jcut 1200 Lazer Engraver, hands, files, pliers.
From where comes the fire, and where comes the sand - for where they meet, glass makes the man.
This item is made in a limited edition of 2.
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