Slash & Open is SR207

Slash & Open is SR207

Slash and Open
Ipad shoulder bag

Twisted Icelandic horse-skin ipad bag, forcefully seduced from one single piece, 
with a sutured long strap, weaved through the closure.

To hold what is most delicate
Too many zeros and just as many ones.

And it was another time a horse, lost in the awkward grassed hills that cover Iceland, that gave its skin for yours.  These horses, genetically unique to Iceland, are ridden till the end of their days, then taken for all parts of it's body.  As with a fingerprint, the hide of each horse has a unique pattern and texture, ranging from a smooth to a wrinkled, stiff or soft hide.  The skins are left unsplit.  No two horses and no to bags are the same. 

My head is falling
yet the fever is soaring.


Cut with a Jcut 1200 Lazer Engraver.
Sewn on a Pfaff 1445.   
The Icelandic horse, is chromium dyed in the west of Iceland. After tanning, dying and drying, we received this leather by truck and subsequently cut it with a Lazer.
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