This Steep Incline is SR243

This Steep Incline is SR243
The Steep Incline
Hight Boot
Hand lasted, single piece, wild reindeer pleatedd boot, with ash soaked laser-cut cow skin soles, and stacked heel.
Step step
Cut with a Jcut 1200 Lazer Engraver.
Sewn on a Pfaff 1445, and by Hand-held Needle.
And it was another time a reindeer, shot by a hunter in the northern highlands of Iceland. There are holes in this skin, and it was made by a bullet - the bullet that ended the life of this animal for meat, game, pleasure and leather. The Icelandic Reindeer, is chromium dyed in the west of Iceland. After tanning, dying and drying, we received this leather by truck and subsequently cut it with a Lazer. The hand attached shank buttons are drop cast in our studio from oxidised metal alloy.
The skin of the sole comes from the shoulder of a cow tanned in Turkey.
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